Thursday, August 13, 2009

Perceptions on Gorkhaland from Hyderabad

I have had numerous heated arguments on demand for Gorkhaland, with friends, colleagues and neighbours here in Hyderabad. Of course, me siding for the argument. Having discussed with varied set of individuals-from rich to middle class, I’ve however missed on the poor (as it might sound like the Indo-US Nuclear Deal to them…out of space), apart, from students to professors, from a commoner to administrators so far. All said and talked could have been from a political or an ideological point of view (variance of perceptions). Nevertheless, the discussions were on a complete social front. So I can’t theorize.

CPIM today says granting autonomy would be the solution to all such problems (do you even know what our problems are) if that were so, granting autonomy to areas like PoK rather? Allowing more tangible border on humanistic lines? Combating militant insurgence in Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh? Are these not the real issues to be addressed instead–here we see threat to our security, threat of extremists (I don’t like to use the word ‘terrorist’) infiltration, threat for humanity. Instead they are stuck up with the false notion of ‘no separate state to the Gorkhas’ and nothing else. We already are aware of galvanization of Swat Valley in Pakistan and moral/ legal empowerment of extremists already. But Gorkhaes aren’t fighting for an independent country or any alien, extra-terrestrial demand or any of the above kind; its one- simple and constitutional. I feel blindfolded. I’ve been persuasive many a times, few instances being positive and few raging more hatred. Stupid, ignorant politicians come to their interest-driven constituencies- throb their vocal cords out and try brainwashing innocents. Why are these dimwits talking about autonomy at all? Guess all Gorkhalis are over with CPIM and autonomy, if not a State…Gorkhaland a Union Territory.

To mention, the LTTE movement in Sri Lanka also started off with the same modest vigor for right and justice for their civilians, but the world today sees it as a terror organization. God forbid, hope Gorkhalis don’t turn out to be the same someday. So here goes hamro Gorkhali vhanai - “manchae lai manchae lay nai bhigarcha”. But one thing is certain, violence and hatred is not the solution to our problem either. We ought to be more tactful, strategic and get morally CUNNYING because only such people have better lives in India than the modest lots. We also see how the world has been so pacifying with Tibetan demand of a leader like Dalai Lama…what has been the outcome? I’m not fostering hate and violence here. But I’m surely hinting on pro-activeness and power of persuation. To be honest; there isn’t much scope for non-violence and peace movements as such these days. There ought to be some form of jolts and shivers for sure.

To talk about, Congress comes to Andhra for their dense campaigning process and abruptly talks about “always been considerate to the demand for Telangana”- We know 2004 Congress Election Manifesto was inevitably against the creation of smaller states. So what’s clouding up in their minds in this election now? So why not considerate for Gorkhaland too? How are these two demands different from the other, anyway -expect its geographical locations? Are the sentiments of both not the same?? If for Telangana- then for Gorkhaland too…(very constitutional- pun intended). Or does India have any Duplicate Invisible Constitution by any chance.

No wonder- all debates shape up on the lines, of India being sold off to their own politicians- where politics are gradually whirling from democratic-to vote bank-to opportunist politics now. There would be a day soon for mercy politics too. The days could not be very far.

We see how easily the states of Jharkhand and Uttarakhand were created in the year 2000 (though I’m not saying that there weren’t any struggle there either, but comparatively less exerted than ours) not so long ago, just couple of years back. Whereas Gorkhaes having been struggling for decades are still in the midst of tranquility. Bhayo abo cha aati nai bhayo… My point of reference here is, ‘these politicians and law makers are simply joggling with our modest and tolerant natures – they are wildly taking us for granted and trying to subdue us vividly’. It’s too long a struggle for peace and happiness (sad but the truth).

I’ve tried to pull all historical, factual, physiological, ethical and moral points in supporting the demand (whatever viable…DT has been a helpful knowledge source here) But deep inside all say ‘they, all from Nepal’…. so??? Thought stuck up in their heads. How do I answer to such a question? Of course it’s the Identity crisis…but how do I defend myself here. I have managed to shut their mouth at many occasions somehow (depending upon who I was facing…), sighting the fact that the Indian government granting us the right to vote, issuing Indian passports, ration cards, driving licenses, everything- and then go around saying they are Nepalis from Nepal (where’s the sense and logic in that?). Of course there ought to be a point of origin….no one is thrown from the space or digged out from the ground? Ironically it normally erupts from the educated lots. That surprises me even more. Sad how Constitution of Indian interprets its own laws of the land which seems so void and unknown. If they do not consider us Indians why on earth do they give us such rights and privileges at all?? And allow us to call ourselves as Indians? Why is Nepali an Official Language of India? Why can’t we say we are Nepalis? Or why is the language not called Gorkhali instead? Who are Indian anyway?

In few instances, I’ve given the weirdest backup, saying, “ Did God mark the territorial (geographical) or political map of states or countries then?” all helpless and suffocated, sounding like a fool. I backed it further, “creation of boundaries are all political and an evolutionary process. With growing complexities in societies, the structure and boundaries ought to change to adapt and accommodate human needs and requirements accordingly. Culture, religion, social norms, beliefs and laws- all are man-made”. Not made by the Congress nor BJP or by any so evolving- the Third Front in entirety.

Some have been sympathizing to the need of Indian Ghorkhali at a highest note making me weak to the brim. Some just brush it off saying there are hundreds more in the line. Some ignore like as if a fungus growing in somewhere north of the India Subcontinent, in the state of West Bengal, lifeless and colourless. But I say, division of India into smaller states is one of the key means to effective administration and for inclusive growth in such growing complex societies and populous country like India. This is to be applicable to all areas of governance of the country- like principles of specialisization, decentralization and participation. It would be too long to sight all in one go. Increasing population, gap in urban and rural India, low tolerance and understanding level between ethnicities, education disparities are to scatter a few amongst many.

I am sure if Indian Politicians are not for CREATION OF SMALLER STATES, then I’m assuming that they are surely for MERGENCE OF SMALLER STATES?? If am pragmatic enough and if policy makers are relative to Article 3 of Part I of the Constitution, and considering it not from any invisible Constitution. By this I intend to imply a really big move to all the Gorkhalis.

So Gorkhalis stick to the Book (the Constitution) and stay united- no matter where you are.

[Pls: Allow Ghising Jeu to talk later, not now…kindly convey him the words “united we stand, divided we fall” (preferably all bold and in upper case)…very old and stale but apt for the context. No doubt, he could be one of the best in opposition (given a chance), but requesting him to have a little patience at least for the moment.]

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